Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am becoming very accustomed to Ghana and their way of life here. I feeling very comfortable here and now know how to get around…sort of. Haha I enjoy being able to get a taxi and go and visit friends and go to the baby home. I have made some really close friends here and I hate to think about leaving them and the babies that I have gotten so attached to!! I only have a month and a half left here! It is crazy to think about how fast time has gone by.  I have been praying about whether Ghana will be where God has me in the future.  I am very open to it, but only time will tell. 

                                          DEAF CAMP AT CHRISTMAS TIME


Happy new year everybody! Starting a new year here in Africa has been very good! The people here in Ghana go to church on New Year’s Eve and pray for the coming year. The next morning I got to experience a Ghanaian wedding and got an African dress made for the occasion. It was a lot of fun! 

The baby home is still going very well.  Praise the Lord that we are in the process of adopting out two of our children. We just adopted out Evans (now named Benn) to a family a couple weeks ago.  My mural that I am painting at the baby home is coming along and I am really enjoying painting it!
                                                      NOT THE FINISHED PRODUCT YET! haha

                                                      FAMILY FOR EVANS (BEN)

                                                                                     HAHA! LOVE HER FACE IN THIS PICTURE!

Thank you all for the prayers, it really means so much!!! I can’t begin to tell you how encouraged I have been by knowing you are all behind me, praying and wanting to be a part of what is going on here in Ghana!
Please continue to pray for the families that God has in store for these children and that will grow up to be strong children of God. 

                                                                                                          MAKING BREAD

Pray for the continuation of my stay and that I will accomplish what God has for me here in the time I have left.
Pray for the future babies that we will be taking in and that we can be a witness of Christ and his love to not only the children, but those around us. 

May He be Glorified,

1 comment:

  1. WOW WOW WOW! Time does fly! I'm almost heading to MTC! I'll be there in 7 days! Well I hope to see you around here when you get back. I want to hear all the awesome stories! I'm so happy for Ben for finding a new home. Where were his new parents from?
    You african dress was awesome! Did you make it? Its so awesome to see what you are doing Salina. The pictures are awesome, and I feel like I'm there with you. Your ministry is getting me pumped up to get to Africa myself.

    I'll try to pray some for God to give you direction. You seem to love it in Ghana. Maybe God has you getting an education in something that you can use there. I know you want to be sent,so you will be. God seeks those who are willing. You are one of them.

    I love ya Salina! Keep it up! You are a huge encouragement!
